Who puts the AMP in CAMP?
Seek a closer relationship with God
Seek ways to move forward practically with God
Seek an understanding of who God is and how He wants to be involved in your life
Learn how your life impacts others
Learn how to be of service to others before yourself
Learn how much of a difference Jesus makes in life
Try to be the best you, as often as possible, and knowing your hang-ups
Try to listen to God’s encouragement
Try new things, stretching outside of your comfort zone
Camp Ladore’s JOY Program is a discipleship and training program, employing over 30 teens age 14-17 throughout different areas on campus. Positions include counseling, dining hall (Carousel Workers), babysitting, and laundry. This program is primarily designed as an extension to The Salvation Army’s Corps Cadet program that runs through the school year. Corps Cadets are strongly encouraged to apply, though we often have positions available for non-Corps Cadets as well. Ultimately the goal is to grow teens in the ministry of Camp Ladore and The Salvation Army. Apply and show us your skills!
Joy Discipleship Program participants meet regularly in small groups to discover God’s Word as found in the Bible, and its application to our lives. The program focuses on job experience, practical skills and most importantly: spiritual growth. As a first job opportunity, we teach our JOY participants valuable job and leadership skills that help them to excel at work, school, or play. As they wrestle with their faith and life’s lessons, we work together to foster a sense of belonging and seize opportunities for personal growth. Are you ready for something new?
As a close knit community, JOY Program participants live and work together. That means we celebrate each other’s accomplishments and strengthen one another in difficult times. The JOY Discipleship program is a chance to make life-long friends and enjoy our beautiful outdoors. Come ready to participate in each other’s lives and share what makes you you!